Hi, my name is
Stefan Kopanarov
I'm a Software Engineer.


About me

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Hi I'm Stefan and I write software. I am currently a full-stack web developer. I have a BSc (Hons) Computer Science degree from Newcastle University, UK. In the past I have worked in London for Saville Assessment (an award-winning provider of psychometric assessments). I have also worked as project coordinator of projects financed by the European Commission - an experience that I believe has contributed greatly to me becoming a great team player and a leader. I am passionate about technology - I code for work and I code for fun. In my free time I do snowboarding, hiking and lacrosse.

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Here are some of the technologies I am experienced with:


Note: These demos are currently in the process of migrating from Netlify to AWS. Apologies for the absence of live demos.

Face Detector

A face detecting website where you can login or register. Once logged in you can provide image urls and have the website detect faces on the photos for you. It also tracks how many images you have had detected and has a cool login screen that you can play around with.

Mission Control Dashboard

A mission control dashboard where users can schedule mission launches to 8 of the potentially habitable Kepler Exoplanets, track all existing SpaceX launches via the Open Source SpaceX API.

The app uses PM2 (clustering, load-balancing, app monitoring and hot reloads), Morgan (request logging), MongoDB (storing the data for our launches), Express.js, Axios, Mongoose (object modelling and db schemas), Jest and Supercharge (testing), GitHub Actions (CI/CD), Docker (containerization) and AWS EC2 instance (hosting).

Moose Clothing

An e-commerce project that I wrote twice! I wrote it once with the good old class components but then I wanted to convert it into a hooks-based functional components app. This will be used for a client that sells hand-made gifts and gift boxes so I wanted to create something very simple but aesthetically pleasing. You can check both versions at the links below (bear in mind there are some differences like having Stripe payments integrated in the older version).

Infinite Voxel Terrain Generation

I wrote an academic paper that studies the techniques used for generating terrain procedurally using voxels. I wrote a tool in the Unity game engine which can be used when creating procedurally generated terrain for games. The tool contains an implementation of Perlin noise, Simplex noise, Fractal Brownian Motion, Marching cubes and Flood Fill algorithm, all of which are explained in great detail in the paper.

Yummy Stroopwafels

A cool little restaurant guide application that is written in React Native. It shows you a map of all restaurants in a given area with their respective rating. You can add them to your favourites and explore their menus.You can register and login with your own account.
The app is written in React Native and it uses Expo framework, Firebase (authentication), Expo Async Storage (preserving 'Favourites' component data and user session locally), Lottie (AirBnB's animation library)

Note: If you have Expo Go on your Android phone, you can scan the code on the image and explore the app. Unfortunately, due to Apple restrictions, this cannot be done on an iPhone.


I wrote a tiny project that is a socket-based Player-vs-Player version of Pong written in JavaScript with Express.js and deployed on Heroku.

Note: You can either ask a friend to join and test this fierce battle simulator... or just open it in 2 separate windows on your browser. They must both be visible, otherwise your browser will freeze the game to utilize its resources.